Surprisingly enough, many of Prince’s shoes over the years were made by the same frequent collaborators, including Kyriacou and a made-to-measure shoe label called Andre No. Photo: Tony Sylvers/The Estate of Prince Rogers Nelson Prince wore these colorful shoes when he and The Revolution performed “Purple Rain” at the 1985 American Music Awards. He would even send her unreleased music.” “Not only would Prince perform at her fashion shows, she would also use his music in those shows. “ had a relationship that spanned over two decades,” says Maguire. “And, of course, there was a matching suit as well.” Another special pair in the exhibit is a pair of brocade boots that Versace had made for Prince as a gift (it was made by shoemaker Cos Kyriacou, using Versace fabric). “The clouds on those shoes were hand-painted,” says Maguire. Iconic pieces include the cloudy-print boots he famously sported in the “ Raspberry Beret” music video. The assortment is truly impressive in its variety, ranging from heeled booties and pumps to roller skates. He took something, which was typically associated with being feminine, and turned it into something really fiercely masculine.” “Prince used his shoes as an extension of his own artistry. “He was always pushing the boundaries of social acceptance, and he really ignited a whole new conversation in terms of how we look at gender roles and fashion,” says Maguire. Prince used fashion, particularly heels, to challenge the status quo of fashion during his career. At the 1985 AMAs, for instance, he stormed the stage in a frilly white blouse, sequined suit, and the heeled boots to match-an ensemble that was hardly the norm among leather-clad rock stars at the time. Prince performs in 1986 Photo: Getty Images “A lot of work has gone into bringing them back to life.” “Some of these shoes were in storage for over 30 years,” says Mitch Maguire, Paisley Park’s legacy preservationist and curator of the exhibit. Prince kept everything-including the green sequin boots he wore to perform 1985 American Music Awards, and the hand-illustrated booties he wore while attending the 1987 MTV VMAs. With so much to choose from, one of the biggest challenges for the Paisley Park team was actually narrowing down the assortment.

More than 300 pairs of Prince’s shoes will be on display, many custom-made for his performances or music videos (or in collaboration with designers and close friends, such as Donatella Versace). The new exhibit, titled The Beautiful Collection: Prince’s Custom Shoes, will open on July 9 at Paisley Park, and tickets go on sale today. Specifically, his otherworldly collection of heels, which were a signature element of his look.

Now, a new exhibit from Paisley Park-Prince’s former home and studio in Chanhassen, Minnesota, which has since been turned into a museum-is offering a closer look inside Prince’s inimitable wardrobe. Aside from his many musical hits, the icon’s personal style-both on and off the stage-was also in a league of its own, and his influence on the fashion world is still felt today. The late rock musician Prince left behind an untouchable legacy when he passed away in 2016.